the embedded approach to recruitment - attracting the best talent to your business.

The challenges facing us today have spurred a transformation of how we work and driven a need for innovation and creativity. What remains quite clear is that both culture and representation in the talent market directly influence how competitive and successful business can be.

In our latest article, the rec hub explains how embedded recruitment strategies can enable organisations to focus on this and ensure they can attract the best talent to their organisation.

Covid-19 has presented several challenges for industries and businesses worldwide. The recruitment industry is under the spotlight as organisations explore new creative channels and techniques to source the right candidates, quickly and effectively. In the last few months, there has been significant disruption to how an organisation works and many businesses have had to rethink and adapt their short and long term strategies. It is quite clear that transforming business plans, being creative and innovative directly correspond to resilience and future success. The recruitment market is one industry that has experienced significant change and so accurately defining your business is probably more important now than it has ever been.

Embedded recruitment involves placing recruiters into an organisation to represent them effectively in the talent market. Gaining more insight and understanding of the culture means that when agencies are meeting candidates, they are more capable of accurately representing a business. By going beyond the traditional recruitment process, embedded recruitment can support company development and can transform their recruiting capabilities.

The current state of economic volatility combined with an unprecedented shortage of talent and continued evolution of new technology means that recruitment models inevitably need to transform. Creating new models, innovative services and embedding targeted strategies will undoubtedly differentiate the success of one business from another, particularly in regards to the battle for new talent.

Each business consists of its own culture, and this is why offering a bespoke and custom embedded recruitment service can be so efficient. Working alongside hiring managers within an organisation means they can recruit and source the best talent available. Taking an embedded approach to recruitment provides a highly efficient and authentic way of representing an employment brand and their company culture to prospective candidates.

Embedded recruitment allows individuals to focus on assessing talent and evaluating the cultural fit for an organisation. Taking this approach enables recruiters to go beyond sourcing and recruiting for open positions, but also help support the scaling and long term development and growth of a company.

It’s essential to deliver the best candidate for each business, but it is also important to ensure that the business in mind continues to appeal and attract talent. Focusing on enhancing the in-house recruiting capabilities and talent retention strengthens an organisation for the future. Embedding and working alongside hiring managers enables recruiters to deliver a consistent and relevant pipeline, ensuring hiring managers have all the resources needed to attract and retain talent.

Culture, Authenticity and Progressive Recruitment Models

Traditional recruitment models tend to include a sales-driven approach, focusing on lead generation as the core element of filling certain positions. 

While this technique is proven to be effective, this process usually comes to an end once the position is filled. Applying this short-term approach can cause businesses to overlook numerous relevant candidates, and a large portion of this investment and effort into this recruitment process is lost.

Forward-thinking businesses are adapting their approach towards recruitment models. Applying a more candidate-centric approach creates an added focus on the candidate, rather than the actual role. These new innovative models apply to recruitment campaigns, targeting specific candidates that actively engage with the named business and are relevant for other positions in the future.

Taking this more nurtured approach means candidates that may not necessarily be right for an active role continue to be connected and engaged with the business. HR teams can remain in contact with these individuals, allowing for more of a targeted approach when a suitable position does become available. As prospective candidates become employees, the individuals turn into advocates and representatives for new talent potential. Engagement and authenticity in a business generate trust, and this creates brand value which in turn attracts candidates who represent a suitable fit for an organisation.

Interested in hearing more? get in touch and start your hiring journey today.


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